• Develops functional dynamic on your feet rotational strength and stability. Improved hip and intersegmental stability. Increases ground force production while also developing protection during athletic movements as well as activities of daily living.
  • Functionally links movement of primary drivers (legs and lower torso) with secondary drivers (upper torso and shoulders).
  • On your feet positioning allows the unique incorporation of the principle of specificity of training with progressive resistance training.
  • Is not a guided pathway exercise device and allows an infinite variation of movement patterns.
  • On your feet torso rotational resistance requires simultaneous recruitment of local and global core musculature, which leads to improved lumbar and pelvic stabilization in functional movement patterns.
  • One station provides for infinite variation of concentric and eccentric resistance. Eccentric resistance can exceed concentric resistance by fifty percent.
  • Designed for multiplanar exercise in a controlled environment. Stimulates muscles and connective tissue in multiple dimensions, which for athletes should include the primary motion paths for the sport being trained for.
  • Improves motor control of neuromuscular systems of the ankle, knee and hip joints.
Ground Force 360 Fitness Benefits